So I Guess I’m Telling People now

29 Mar

I’m pregnant.

Would you look at that?

11 Jan

I still have a blog.  Amazing.

I doubt anyone out there is actually still looking to see if I might post anything.  Don’t worry, chances of me becoming a regular blogger again is virtually zero.

I’ve just never been that into documenting my life in any way.  I get bored too quickly.

That probably makes me a bad mommy too, since I don’t catalogue my daughter’s milestones either.  Meh, sorry, at least my husband takes a LOT of pictures.

Anyway, this blog will stay here.  It has it’s uses, and maybe something will change, and I’ll regain my will to blog again.

Don’t hold your breath though 😉

West Rand TBDZA Details

22 May

First off, I want to say a quick thanks to @MelanieMinnaar for giving me the butt-kick that I needed, and for saving the West Rand event.

To all my friends in the Wild West, come and drop your blankets off here:

  • Date: 26 May 2012
  • Time: 6pm to 9pm
  • Venue: Rhythm Café, Heritage Square, Cnr Cecil Knight and Viljoen Street, Krugersdorp North.

We’ll be sharing the rooftop with the Rhythm Within Us dance school, so bring a blanket, have a drink at the bar and see some spectacular dancing. It’s for a good cause!



12 May

If you live in South Africa and spend a bit of time on Twitter; you’ve probably heard about the Twitter Blanket Drive.

It’s easy to forget, when we’re sipping on a big cup of hot chocolate in front of our big gas heaters, that a large portion of the South African population barely have the luxury of snuggling into a warm blanket.

It was with this very thought that, @MelanieMinnaar started the Twitter Blanket Drive, just over 2 years ago.

The aim is to collect as many blankets as possible, using social media to rally support.  The main event will be held as a national tweet-up on 26 May 2012, with supporters getting together at 6pm at venues all across South Africa (and even over the border in Zimbabwe).

This year, I am proud to be hosting the #TBDZA West Rand event, with my good friend and awesome rockstar @PappaG100 as co-host.  He and his band, Die Kat se Snor will be treating us to a free performance on the day, so bring your blankets and watch this awesome band live!

For more info and to RSVP, follow this link:

We hope to see you there!


2 Nov

Every mom needs to brag about their kid occasionally, right?


And it only took 2 weeks too.

I’m so proud of her (and so happy about the money we’re saving on nappies).  She still uses a night nappy, but we might take her off that soon as well, seeing as she has woken up with a dry nappy every day for the past week.

Potty training was one of the things I was most anxious about when we embarked on this whole parenting journey.  I wasn’t looking forward to cleaning up accident after accident, or being stuck at home with a kid who needed to be taken to the loo every 15 minutes for weeks on end.  I should’ve known that it wouldn’t be like that.  Sienna has been the easiest kid on the planet to raise up to now.  Potty training was no exception.

Bring on the next thing 😀