Tag Archives: kitchen


10 Jun

I used to hate cooking as a child.

I stayed as far away from the kitchen as I could, much to my mom’s dismay.  The idea of cooking and then cleaning all that mess up was about as appealing as having a root canal with no anaesthetic.

The I moved out on my own and suddenly I had my kitchen all to myself.  It’s like a switch flipped.  I adore cooking now, and find it almost as therapeutic as reading or taking a long, hot shower.  I haven’t quite gotten over my aversion to baking though, but I’m taking baby steps.

Two weeks ago I tried my hand at a box mix of malva pudding.  It came out so beautifully that I tried it from scratch when we had the inlaws over this past weekend.  I’ve subsequently asked my mom for the family recipe, because the one I got off the internet was a bit soggy.

Last night I tried my hand at breadrolls to go with the soup I whipped up.  This is the result:



These weren’t too bad, but I’ve asked my mom for her breadroll recipe too 😛

The jury in still out on whether I like baking or not, but in the meantime I’ll continue experimenting with new stuff in the kitchen.

Maybe I’ll even tell you about them 😉