
21 Apr

Man, these short weeks can really screw you over!

This is the busiest I’ve been in months with tons of boring work to do in the shortest possible time.  The nice thing is that lots of work tends to make time go by faster. So I get laze around and enjoy the many public holidays and feel like there’s only a few hours between each.

A lot of you will know that we went for our 5th scan on Monday.  It seems we have a bit of a hyper child growing in my belly.  We could barely get any good still shots of her because she was moving around too much (which she does all the time).  There was one moment where she kicked the spot where the probe was so hard that the doctor got a fright.  I could actually see her foot as it kicked.  I had to fight to control my laughter.

I have bit of good news too….we finally have a full name for our baby girl (who is still a girl according to the doc).  Hubby wants to announce her names when she’s born, but I’m slowly getting him to admit that it would be a good idea to tell everyone now already.  This probably seems like a silly thing, but just finding a name was such a big issue for us that making a fuss about announcing it seems only natural.

Sooooo, if you see a protected post in the near future – you’ll know what it’s about 😉

P.S: I’m voting tomorrow – I hope you are too!! Have a good Saffa election day….:-)

3 Responses to “Craziness”

  1. Wenchy 21/04/2009 at 17:05 #

    Best I be included in that password protected post. 🙂

  2. arkwife 21/04/2009 at 17:18 #

    I’m sure you will be. Now I only have to get your passwords 🙂 I’m waaaaaay behind.

  3. angel 21/04/2009 at 20:29 #

    I think its wonderful that you’ve found names you like. And I do hope you’ll share it with me too.

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